
Delete reg pro cleaner
Delete reg pro cleaner

delete reg pro cleaner
  1. #Delete reg pro cleaner license#
  2. #Delete reg pro cleaner windows#
delete reg pro cleaner

Please also note, you should run this script as Admin and add in the -whatif parameter where necessary. Please note, this will not remove folders in other user's profiles on the same machine, it will only do so for the current user. One exception is the uninstall of the ArcGIS Program, which I assume completes successfully. I tried to do a fair amount of validation before and after removing folders and registry keys.

  • delete the registry keys mentioned in the blog post.
  • remove the folders in Program Files and the current user's AppData folder, and.
  • #Delete reg pro cleaner license#

    Simply release the license and re-run the script. So the script will exit out before making ANY changes if there are checked-out licenses. Step 5 is ' Check to make sure that the license isn’t checked out to work offline.' and I can't think of any reason to wait until step 5 to do this. The script basically goes through each of the steps listed in the 'Clean uninstall of ArcGIS Pro' post except it does step 5 first. Since this problem is affecting a number of my coworkers, I decided to automate the steps described in the blog post to provide a temporary solution until we can get a better solution. This involved removing any folders and registry keys left behind by the ArcGIS Pro uninstaller. My colleague described a temporary work-around which involved a clean uninstall as described here: Clean uninstall of ArcGIS Pro - Esri BeLux.

    #Delete reg pro cleaner windows#

    I can't immediately implement the solution presented in that post due to a Windows group policy object preventing adding the trusted sites list. I'm currently dealing with a problem described here: Solved: Can't login to ArcGIS Pro, login screen stays empt. This script definitely modifies your user environment! Read through it and make sure you understand what it does BEFORE running it on any production system. Thought it might be useful if you're really in a bind.

    delete reg pro cleaner

    The process is described here and implemented in PowerShell. Tl dr I wrote a script to remove the folders and registry keys left behind after a typical ArcGIS Pro uninstall.

    Delete reg pro cleaner